Game "Petualangan Astronot Cilik" is a kind of two-dimensional games that run on PCs comprised of various dynamic animated images. Game "Petualangan Astronot Cilik" here tells the story of a young boy who traveled in outer space and many many obstacles to be overcome by the child. Here is discussed how to create a pattern of game moves to right movement, walking to the left, shoot, fly, take the points, jump, fly up, penetrate the wall so organized into a dynamic and interesting game. This game is built using the Java programming language with Netbeans 6.7.1 and GTGE 2D Game Library.
Keywords: 2D games, java, GTGE game library
Seiring berkembangnya Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) yang pesat saat, teknologi game luar biasa dirasakan perkembangannya oleh masyarakat. Game dapat digunakan sebagai media hiburan dan bahkan dalam dunia pendidikan.
Peneliti: Ismarwanto
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