Improving the quality of education becomes an integral part of efforts to improve human quality of both aspects of ability, personality, and responsibility. Also follow developments in the computer world has reached a remarkable development. Almost all fields of work in the world has been controlled by the computer. Just as with the education of the learning process does not want to miss The author would like to bring this kind of learning-based Macromedia Flash Pro 8 to facilitate the delivery of course material up even through the computer. Computing power as a means of developing mathematics made possible intraktif multimedia systems, so users can no longer be active or passive reactive. This multimedia-based learning is used to attract interest in learning the subject up even through an animation and drawing up in order to assist teachers in delivering the materials.
Keywords: multimedia, mathematical, wake up flat, rectangular
Upaya peningkatan mutu pendidikan menjadi bagian terpadu dari upaya peningkatan kualitas manusia, baik aspek kemampuan, kepribadian, maupun tanggung jawab. Di ikuti juga perkembangan dunia komputer telah mencapai perkembangaan yang sangat mengagumkan. Semua bidang pekerjaan di dunia ini telah dikendalikan oleh komputer.
Peneliti: Nur Dwi Astuti
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