Wireless network is a network open and spacious, poses several problems including an acceptance of unequal bandwidth network to a client in RT-RWnet Sulang Kidul. Bandwidth management conducted in order to regulate the size of the bandwidth that will be distributed to the client. Given the bandwidth management is easier in network administration, especially in the distribution of packet size that will be distributed. Research on bandwidth management Queue Tree conducted using direct observation methods are done at the research location in the hamlet of Sulang Kidul toast. This study also used the method of literature that refers to the resources of articles from several authors. Bandwidth Management Queue Tree on Mikrotik to help admin to do bandwidth management, where on Queue Tree there is a minimum bandwidth and the maximum bandwidth settings that will be obtained by the client.
Keyword : Bandwidth Management, Mikrotik Router, Wireless Network, Internet, Queue Tree
Jaringan internet adalah rangkaian komputer yang terhubung dengan komputer-komputer lain di seluruh dunia melalui jaringan kabel maupun nirkabel (wireless), sehingga antara komputer satu dengan yang lain dapat saling berkomunikasi, dan bertukar informasi berupa file, data, suara, gambar dan sebagainya.
Peneliti: Tito Prabowo
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