Technology develops very quickly and always be changing towards a more advanced from time to time. Computer is one of the works of modern technology where the computer has a role as a powerful tool that not only aids but current computer count also has high performance in the presentation of information. Thus, today's computers has become a mainstay of information technology in various circles to develop information systems needed by companies, institutions and individuals. Given the form of computer hardware and software support or certain lunat device can generate a software or other software that more can be utilized in the handling of various problems. Of course this is not separated from the role of a programmer. The existence of the world's programming is expected to create a sophisticated information system is a computerized system. From observation and information obtained in PT. Mega Means specifically in employee payroll information system data is still done manually, or simply where the output in the form of information or reports still form the archives that there are huge numbers. So often happened delay in submission of information to the directors and other parties concerned.
Keywords: Computerized payroll system, Payroll PT. Mega Facility
Teknologi komputer sebagai sarana penyimpanan informasi memungkinkan dibuatnya sistem database, sehingga pengguna dapat dengan mudah dalam pengolahan data dan pengoperasiannya.
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