Today web-based application developed very rapidly. This is because the learning resource are accessible. However, web development and ease of manufacture is not balanced with a good safety analysis. Resulting in a very vulnerable web application againts attacks carried out by the attacker. In this final task, made an application Intrusion Prevention System which is useful as a web application monitors the actions of assault. In addition, this application is directed to systems analysts and systems administrators. The application will present data about the performance of a web application, to then provide suggestions for improvement and development based on these data. Testing of this software is done by way of an attack against the web server software has been installed Intrusion Prevention System. If the software detects an attack, the software will automatically notify the system administrator that an attack has occurred along with the level of danger and risk that can be generated from these attacks and immediately take the necessary precaustions.
Keywords: Intrusion Prevention System, Attacker, Web Application, Web Security
Dewasa ini aplikasi berbasis web berkembang dengan amat pesatnya. Hal ini disebabkan karena sumber pembelajaran yang mudah ditemui. Namun perkembangan web dan kemudahan pembuatannya ini tidak diimbangi dengan analisa keamanan yang baik. Sehingga menyebabkan aplikasi web menjadi sangat rentan terhadap serangan yang dilakukan oleh para attacker.
Peneliti: Rajif Agung Yunmar
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