
Jurnal: Implementasi Visual Basic 6 Untuk Pembuatan Aplikasi Remote Access Berbasis TCP/IP

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Jurnal: Implementasi Visual Basic 6 Untuk Pembuatan Aplikasi Remote Access Berbasis TCP/IP


In the laboratory where there are many inter-connected computers with one computer between other computers, making it very inconvenient an admin to supervise and care for one computer with another computer. So it would be nice if there was a system that can monitor, access and maintain a network. Given that technology has advanced, the focus of the writer is to create a program can mengotrol all activities of computer users in the laboratory: 1. This system is designed to control and supervise all computer users, where the admin can shutdown, restart, log off, non active registry, non-active task manager can oversee programs in the user's computer, lock the system without the need to travel to each computer. 2. In this system, only the main computer that can mengotrol all computer users. The results of our design showed that remote access can help and alleviate the task of an admin to monitor and maintain networks based on TCP / IP in the laboratory. 

Key Word: Remote Access, TCP/IP, Visual Basic 6, LAN, Jaringan, Network, Remote Dekstop, Aplikasi


Perkembangan sistem teknologi informasi atau komputerisasi dewasa ini mengalami pertumbuhan yang cukup pesat, hampir seluruh aspek kehidupan masyarakat tidak lepas dari ruang lingkup teknologi informasi. Setiap lembaga pemerintah dan non pemerintah sudah banyak menggunakan komputer sebagai media, dan alat kerja efektifitas, sehingga menghasilkan dan efisiensi dalam menyelesaikan suatu pekerjaan.

Peneliti: Ndon Eko Satriyo Utomo 

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Jurnal: Implementasi Visual Basic 6 Untuk Pembuatan Aplikasi Remote Access Berbasis TCP/IP

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