In this era, computers have been widely used by many parties, even giving a great influence on various aspects of community life. And the computer is a tool that can perform data processing in a timely, accurate and efficient. So that in today's computer is a tool commonly used by communities to assist in decision making. In SD Segoroyoso, value processing system and its report is still performed manually and documented. With a system that is processed manually, it will become more complicated and impractical. And data storage system in the form of paper has a lot of risk to lose data. To further optimize the needs of a new computerized system to generate better information than the old system. Building a Data Processing Applications With the value of elementary school students on a computerized Segoroyoso then expected to produce the required information quickly, accurately and efficiently. This application is java based and made with NetBeans 6.5. The purpose of this application is to save time and overcome the inaccuracy in calculating the value of students.
Keywords : a computerized system, application value, information technology
Teknologi informasi merupakan salah satu bidang yang perkembangannya semakin cepat dibandingkan dengan bidang-bidang yang lain. Selain itu, di zaman sekarang ini teknologi informasi memberikan pengaruh yang besar terhadap berbagai aspek kehidupan masyarakat.
Peneliti: Muhammad Indrawan, Yosep Irawan Hindriatmoko
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