Role playing game is a game where there is an imaginary character and created a story line. Players control the actions of the characters in the game, to reach the goal with atuaran - existing rules and requirements - requirements / quest that must be met, using an engine, programmers will be easier to build an RPG game. In this final project created a game that implements the Java engine to make GTGE and Garuda Satria game with RPG type game, with a character named Garudea a duty to eradicate demons and monsters who control the State Askaban, Garudea also have to practice to improve its ability to be able to defeat devil, robbers ,monsters ,demons and palace guards. By using GTGE engine is expected to produce a game with the type Playimg Role Game, and facilitate in making the Games RPG programmers that can be used for entertainment and recreation facilities for those who play the games created.
Keywords: Games, Role Playing, RPGs, GTGE
Perkembangan komputer saat ini sangatlah pesat , hampir semua bidang pekerjaan dan aktifitas manusia sudah menggunakan komputer, bukan hanya sebagai alat untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan saja , dewasa ini komputer juga dimanfaatkan untuk sarana entertainment dan hiburan, salah satunya adalah Game.
Peneliti: Yusan Medhieka Putra
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