
Jurnal: Game Edukasi Mengenal Luar Angkasa Sebagai Media Pembelajaran

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Jurnal: Game Edukasi Mengenal Luar Angkasa Sebagai Media Pembelajaran


Multimedia is the utilization of computers to create and combine multiple media such as text, graphics, audio, and motion pictures (animation and video) by combining links and tools that allow users to navigate, interact, creating, and communicating. Know Your Game Build a Space Education is a diversified gaming edugames, where this game can help users to understand the information given game makers to the users of the application. Games created using Macromedia Director MX and software supporting such 3D'S Max to create animation and drawing three-dimensional. Long story short this game aimed at children aged 9-10 years. The aim of this game is that the child may repeat and recall the lessons about outer space by playing games contained in this application. This game can be run on a desktop with Windows XP Operating System. Obviously this game can entertain and inspire their educational game makers to make more interesting games, which can help children in the learning process. 

Keywords: EduGames, Games, Multimedia Interactive, Multimedia Games 


Belajar adalah merupakan kegiatan yang tidak akan pernah berhenti dari detik demi detik sejak manusia lahir sampai mati. Manusia sejak lahir belajar untuk mengenal dirinya dan juga lingkungannya. Manusia berbeda dengan makhluk ciptaan Tuhan lainnya karena dia memiliki keistimewaan yaitu memiliki akal pikiran. 

Peneliti: Surya Nata Wijaya, Hary Prasetya Mahardhika 

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Jurnal: Game Edukasi Mengenal Luar Angkasa Sebagai Media Pembelajaran

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