These days technological growth in the field of communications and computer have a lot of bringing the change in human life area. Along with technology growth which is fast enough, information technology have come to the a must which cannot be parried again. This time information earn easily we get through internet. Internet is communications media used to get the information as much as possible from everywhere and everywhen by using a set computer and modem of network plus phone or through ISP ( internet service provider) connection. In our internet usually recognize which it name is website, website that is an electronic page in illusory world comprising information from a company, institute, organizational, other institute or school In education world specially school also require the website to promote and propagate the information. At this research writer wish to study about website of community of collegiate of school SMAN 1 Giri Banyuwangi. Before existence of system being based on web is way of to promote and propagate the information done in manual and conventional through paper media. Go together the mentioned hence there are a statement which it is important to know, that is : What will be information system base on the web required for the community of collegiate SMAN 1 Giri Banyuwangi which can be used as a medium convert the information and communications? Therefore at this thesis writer wish to analyse the specifics of the problems or discussion and later;then apply its result as a information system of collegiate community base on the web which can give the information in accurate figure, valid, efficient, effective and cost effective.
Keywords : Internet, Community, Website Collegiate
Dewasa ini perkembangan teknologi dalam bidang komunikasi dan komputer telah banyak membawa perubahan dalam bidang kehidupan manusia. Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi yang cukup pesat, teknologi informasi telah menjadi suatu kebutuhan yang tidak dapat dielakkan lagi. Sekarang ini informasi dapat dengan mudah kita dapatkan melalui internet.
Peneliti: Fitrio Anugrah Juniarto
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