Geographic Information System (GIS) on web mapping form is one of new technology in developing web applications for spatial data processing. This system, is capable of spatial data and attribute data analyzing, thus it makes user easier in using this information system. Nowadays web mapping technology not only used for spatial problems solving, but also for data analyzing. The use of GIS are in the fields of medical, politic, social, electricity, engineering etc. This research was a development of web based GIS for dissemination funding assistance for school operational ( Bantuan Operasional Sekolah = BOS) which this system was made by map server and chameleon for web mapping application. This GIS in dissemination of BOS funds program produces spatial analyzing as dissemination of BOS funding map.
Kata kunci : Geographic Information System, Web Mapping, BOS, Spatial data, Attibute Data
Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) merupakan sistem informasi spasial yang digunakan untuk memproses data yang bergeoreferensi dan sekolah yang ada didaerah kabupaten Rokan Hilir. SIG berbasis web memungkinkan akan membantu memcahkan masalah tersebut, dengan begitu kita dapat melihat peta lokasi dimana sekolah yang berhak menerima dana Bantuan Operasional Sekolah dan telah mendapatkan dana Bantuan Operasional Sekolah.
Peneliti: Hamidi
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