Tourism sector is one of the important sectors in improving the economic movement of a State. Tourism sector is supported by a promotional tour in the application of visual communication media can be a powerful publicity tool in introducing a tourist location in the eyes of the world. Indonesia which will packed natural and cultural richness with unique cultural characteristics unpublished less well in the world. Tour map is a visual medium that has a function as a location guide and support tourism promotion tool. Planting image gunungkidul districts supported by the slogan Gunungkidul Handayani consistently in various print media, especially the tourism map of the main targets in the tourism sector building activity in Gunungkidul. Answering these problems, developed an application Interactive Map Location Gunungkidul Tourism in the district that is expected to be a means of tourism promotion as well as facilitate tourists - tourists to know the location of tourism in the district Gunungkidul. Interactive Location Maps application Gunungkidul District Tourism created using Macromedia Director MX. The purpose of the implementation of this final task is to get a picture of a design ideal tourist map in accordance with the consistency of existing slogans.
Keywords: visual communications media, visual structure, tourist maps, comparisons, element - the element of visual maps.
Sektor pariwisata merupakan salah satu sektor penting bagi setiap kabupaten menyangkut devisa kabupaten. Kabupaten Gunungkidul merupakan salah satu kabupaten di kawasan Jawa Tengah yang kaya akan budaya dan pemandangan alam spektakuler. Warisan budaya yang dimiliki gunungkidul dapat menjadi alternatif utama dalam meningkatkan promosi sektor pariwisata. Kabupaten Gunungkidul merupakan kabupaten yang memiliki bermacam-macam objek wisata. Banyak tempat wisata yang dapat diperkenalkan seperti Pantai Sadeng, Pantai Wediombo, Pantai Krakal, Pantai Kukup, Pantai Baron, Kali Suci, Gunung Gambar dan Goa Jomblang dan masih banyak lagi. Yang patut diperhatikan adalah keindahan dan kekayaan alam Kabupaten Gunungkidul selama ini belum terkomunikasi dengan baik.
Peneliti: Yayan Riek Santara
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