Currently our government is being intensively to implement computerized government offices. This certainly makes a positive thing for the progress of the Indonesian nation. But in reality in the region still seem untouched. For example, reports the results of the activities are still using the traditional system, by using a delivery via mail or email. Shipping to the traditional system will give the impression of a slow and data processing, which takes a long time. Besides the necessary data was not yet have a secure storage medium, because the data files still are prone damage and loss. Therefore, the authors attempt to create a web service to handle the consolidated results of activities each month the report will be sent to a central server and thus this report will be saved into a database. These monthly reports can then be accessed by the server that printed in accordance with needs. The author took the Badan Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Keluarga Berencana Karangasem regency in Bali province as an object of research, especially about the delivery of reports of new acceptors and active acceptors. Web Services are built using Visual Studio. NET for programming scripts, Dreamweaver 8 for scripts to making XML, AppServ for web server and MySQL as a database management system.
Keywords: Web service, Visual studio.NET, Sending data, Report
Keberadaan Badan Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Keluarga Berencana memang sangat penting dalam mendukung semua program-program pemerintah khususnya dalam menangani jumlah penduduk dan perlindungan anak dan wanita. Dapat kita lihat dalam beberapa tahun ini pertumbuhan penduduk selalu meningkat. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut BPPKB berusaha menerapkan kembali program dua anak lebih baik dan mewujudkan keluarga kecil bahagia sejahtera. Untuk mendukung hal ini diperlukan sarana dan prasarana yang mendukung. Pengiriman laporan data yang cepat dan ter-update sangat dibutuhkan dalam penerapan program ini. Saat ini pengiriman data masi menggunakan sistem yang tradisional. Dimana pengiriman data masi menggunakan jasa pos ataupun dengan email. Selain itu penyimpanan data di client khususnya data di daerah masi berupa berkas-berkas atau paling bagus data disimpan di computer dengan format doc dan excel.
Peneliti: I Gusti Ngurah Wikranta Arsa
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