Elections are the means to carry out public sovereignty based on direct principle, general, free and confidential (overflow), as well as honest and fair and is based on the Commission regulation Number. 03 about the presidential and vice presidential elections. Presidential and vice presidential election is so important and necessary to have a software that can assist in the calculation of computerized ballots like the application that created this simple but quite unique though, and could be useful in inputting the data of voters, candidates, poll data and can be used for calculation of the ballots at the same time facilitate in making the report final results without having to manufacture or retyping in making the report. The core of this application software that is easier ballot counting committees and inputting the data as well as facilitate in making statements and providing security at thedata.
Keywords: Election, Java, Desktop Applications, Computerized System
Pemilu adalah sarana untuk melaksanakan kedaulatan rayat berdasarkan azaz langsung, umum, bebas dan rahasia (LUBER), serta jujur dan adil (JURDIL) dan didasarkan atas peraturan KPU Nomor 03 tentang pemilihan pilpres dan cawapres. Dalam rumusannya, UUD 1945 hasil perubahan mengkonsepkan bahwa Presiden dan Wakil Presiden dipilih bersamaan dengan pemilihan umum legislatif (pileg).
Peneliti: Abdul Aziz Sigit Saputra
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