The thesis tries to implement how asset preservation regularly conducted can suppress the unexpected expense of a company and optimize the available resources. It becomes an important thing for a company like PLN or Pertamina which has assets indoor and outdoor located far away from the office center that complicates the monitoring process. The implementation of Geographic Information System (GIS) is very important nowadays. Moreover, information technology is developing rapidly in this globalization era. There are some benefits of the implementation of Geographic Information System, namely: to ease the asset inspection, due to the fact that the assets are mapped out according to the reality seen in the field. to accelerate the execution when there is an error or failure to the assets in the field, because the location is already identified. to quicken the service to the customers, because the customers can be aware of the real condition and the company can effortlessly contact the customers directly because of the resolute map. The problem discussed in this thesis is how the optimization of the resources available in a company is; in this case, the resources are the assets in the field. It is expected that the asset preservation regularly conducted through computerized system can quicken the business process from the company so that the customer’s satisfaction can be fulfilled. In the designing of this monitoring application for asset preservation, the programming language used is Visual Basic that has been proven as one of the reliable programming language. For the database execution, Oracle XE, one of the oracle products that can be used free, is used.
Keywords : Visual Basic, GIS, Oracle, Management System
Dewasa ini, beberapa perusahaan berskala besar seperti pertamina dan PLN tentu saja memiliki asset yang berada jauh dari kantor pusat sehingga untuk pemeliharaannya memerlukan strategi khusus. Sama halnya dengan PLN UPJ Sleman yang memiliki asset Jaringan Tegangan Menengah di seluruh wilayah Sleman. Seringkali karena letak dari sebuah trafo distribusi misalnya yang jauh dari kantor pusat PLN UPJ Sleman baru mendapatkan pemeliharaan setelah adanya laporan gangguan dari pelanggan. Mengingat permasalahan ini, maka pemetaan asset jaringan berdasarkan lokasi (SIG) yang terintegrasi dengan sistem pemeliharaannya sangat diperlukan.
Peneliti: David Wahyudi
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