Research In Motion (RIM) is the official producer of mobile phones that are currently most popular especially in Indonesia which is the Blackberry. Indonesia is a large market share to Blackberry because of Indonesia's population. 47 percent mobile circulating in Indonesia is Blackberry.The goal of this research is to know the influence of quality of service and brand equity to the satisfaction of consumer users blackberry curve 9300 district Sario the city of manado.
In this research, the methods of analysis used is regression analysis method. The population was taken is the blackberry curve 9300 user with samples as much as 100 people. Sampling techniques research using simple random sampling.
Research results by using regression analysis showed that partially variable quality of service significantly influential to the variable satisfaction but rather to brand equity, does not affect the consumer's satisfaction. And simultaneously variable quality of service and significant impact on brand equity consumer satisfaction
For the RIM Blackberry mobile phone manufacturers should be as much again to improve the quality of service that is better to consumers so that consumers do not migrate or switch to other parties. More manufacturers to optimize quality of service to the higher customer satisfaction. The RIM also should pay attention to brand equity. If the RIM is not paying attention to the brand equity will be decreased to the level of consumer satisfaction that have an impact on decreasing the level of product sales.
Keywords: service quality, brand equity, and customer satisfaction
Dalam bidang telekomunikasi, perkembangan teknologi berkembang sangat pesat. Hampir setiap tahun selalu bermunculan teknologi – teknologi baru yang canggih. Telekomunikasi saat ini menjadi bidang yang sangat penting. Tanpa adanya komunikasi, suatu hubungan tidak akan terjalin. Baik itu hubungan bisnis maupun hubungan lainnya. Salah satu teknologi dalam bidang telekomunikasi yang berkembang pesat adalah handphone. Handphone merupakan alat untuk menjalin komunikasi antara satu orang dengan orang lainnya walaupun orang tersebut berbeda tempat. Handphone saat ini telah menjadi salah satu kebutuhan manusia. Tanpa handphone, kita akan merasa kekurangan informasi atau bahkan ketinggalan jaman. Karena melalui handphone saat ini masyarakat dapat menjalin hubungan yang lebih luas dengan semua orang baik dalam hal bisnis maupun hal – hal lainnya yang memberikan manfaat yang baik bagi mereka.
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