The Development of information technology and communication technology gives a big contribution for movement and development of television media industries. It has a need relation of television in performing that fulfilles customer needed. Today it needs elements, for examples education, information, entertainment, or promotion. In a row with the local autonomy and the spirit in producing TV that is fit with Yogyakarta society as education city, cultures, and tourist object, so the existence of RBTV is very usefull for fiewer or supporting industries (Production House, Organizer, Advertisement, etc). One of RBTV programme that is programme on air is talk show “RUANG SAHABAT KELUARGA”. With the thesis, it hopes that viewers are abble to choose a good programme for theirselves, friends and family. The society that is not know yet about broadcast will know better in processing television programmes.
Keyword: Communication technology, Information, Television
Perkembangan teknologi informasi dan teknologi komunikasi memberikan kontribusi yang amat besar terhadap kemajuan dan pengembangan industri media televisi. Hal ini kaitannya televisi dalam menyajikan acara yang dapat memenuhi kebutuhan pemirsanya, pada saat ini membutuhkan format acara-acara televisi yang di dalamnya terdapat unsur-unsur pendidikan, penerangan, hiburan, maupun promosi. Televisi dahulu dikenal oleh masyarakat sebagai suatu media penerangan saja, hanya menyajikan acara-acara yang sifatnya menyampaikan informasi saja. Seiring dengan perkembangannya akhirnya televisi mengalami banyak perubahan.
Peneliti: Rr. Duriyati Retno Anggraini
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