Competence of ectureris one of the factors that influence the achievement of learning and education, but the competence of teachers or lecturers do not stand alone, but affected the educational background, teaching experience, and length of teaching. These competencies include pedagogic competence, professional, personal and social. To perform the analysis in this case using Fuzzy Quantification Theory I (FQT) is a qualitative assessment of the relationship between the factors of professional competence of students to faculty and student attendance for the graduation of students. The results of this study demonstrate that the professional competence of lecturer who most influence on the final value of students is the ability to give relevant examples of the concepts being taught, which has a value of 3.2717 weight category with a contribution of 1.1255.
Keywords: Professional Competence, FQT, qualitative, relevant, contribution
Kompetensi guru atau dosen adalah salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi tercapainya tujuan pembelajaran dan pendidikan, namun kompetensi guru atau dosen tidak berdiri sendiri, tetapi dipengaruhi latar belakang pendidikan, pengalaman mengajar, dan lamanya mengajar. Kompetensi ini meliputi kompetensi pedagogik, profesional, kepribadian dan sosial. Kompetensi guru atau dosen dapat dinilai penting sebagai alat seleksi dalam penerimaan calon guru atau dosen, juga dapat dijadikan sebagai pedoman dalam rangka pembinaan dan pengembangan tenaga guru atau dosen [8].
Peneliti: Yuni Wiwiet Wiharti
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