Currently more and more digital certificates are used by agencies and individuals. Usage is also increasingly diverse, such as data encryption, client and server authentication, single-sign-on, and so forth. But with more and more use of digital certificates that can not be checked for validity has been encouraging the owners and creators of data security experts to create a new system called Public Key Infrastructure. Where is the organization that issued a digital certificate has a belief (trust) from other organizations that issue digital certificates and other organizations that also use digital certificates for client authentication. Notably, currently the organizations that use internet services for electronic transactions with their clients being the victim subjects and objects caused by the weakness of the authentication system. In this thesis the author will only restrict the use of digital certificates as a method of client authentication on the website. This thesis is based on the study of the website application implementation by implementing the use of digital certificates for client authentication using Public Key Infrastructure schemes. With this application, the authentication system is expected to filter the client correctly so that valuable information in the website will be maintained and can not easily be accessed by other users who are not eligible.
Keywords : Digital Certificate, Public Key Infrastructure, Authentication, SSL
Saat ini sertifikat digital makin banyak digunakan oleh instansi dan perorangan. Penggunaannya pun makin beragam, seperti enkripsi data, otentikasi client dan server, single-sign-on, dan lain sebagainya. Namun dengan makin banyaknya penggunaan sertifikat digital yang tidak bisa dicek keabsahan pemilik dan pembuatnya telah mendorong pakar kemanan data untuk membuat sistem baru dengan nama Infrastruktur Kunci Publik. Dimana organisasi yang mengeluarkan sertifikat digital telah memiliki kepercayaan (trust) dari organisasi lain yang mengeluarkan sertifikat digital dan juga organisasi lain yang menggunakan sertifikat digital untuk otentikasi kliennya.
Peneliti: Rizaldi Arief Febrianto
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