Cooperation is a business that many administrative transactions, the computerization in the field of administration is essential to support the smooth all transactions carried out by cooperation, so that it can provide transaction services quickly, precisely and accurately. In this issue of data processing systems and data processing savings and loan installments on cooperation have not found inefficiencies and less effective in reporting and calculations. This is caused by the process repeated regularly within a certain period. In addition the process will increase the length of the reports provided inefficiencies. To overcome this problem, saving and loan data processing that still manual should be developed into a computerized system. Based on the above issues, the proposed preparation of the thesis with the title Analysis and Design of Information Systems at Credit Unions Monang - Maning Tegal Kertha Village West Denpasar District, Denpasar - Bali.
Keywords: Credit Unions, Information Systems, C #. Net 2005
Koperasi merupakan usaha yang banyak melakukan transaksi administrasi , maka komputerisasi dalam bidang administrasi sangatlah penting guna menunjang kelancaran seluruh transaksi yang dilakukan oleh koperasi , sehingga dapat memberikan pelayanan transaksi dengan cepat , tepat dan akurat.
Peneliti: I Gusti Putu Rustama Aryantha
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