Mobile applications by utilizing the SMS service (Short Message Service) is a technology services for the delivery of messages to a minimum. Penchant for mobile phone users to SMS in a cheaper, practical and present in all kinds and types of phones, making this one feature is widely used in the business sector. Hey! Creative is one company that is engaged in advertising. One of the advertising media as well as media information Media Info Bandara Jogja is located at Adisucipto International Airport. Development of information system Media Info Bandara Jogja mobile is designed to enable customers to access information in the form of scheduled flight departure, arrival schedules and flight status. This application uses sequential linear model methodology that has four stages: analysis, design, code and testing. Programming language used was PHP, using MySQL database storage and SMS Gateway using the Gammu Engine. SMS Gateway Information System on the Media Info Bandara Jogja will reply every SMS sent by customers in accordance with the format of the SMS that have been determined. The system also features SMS reminders for customers who have purchased an airline ticket.
Keywords: Mobile, SMS (Short Message Service), sequential linear model, Engine SMS Gateway, Gammu, PHP, MySQL
Penggunaan kemajuan teknologi sebagai alat perusahaan dalam bidang Sistem Informasi Manajemen di era digitalisasi saat ini merupakan tuntutan setiap perusahaan penerbangan untuk meningkatkan pelayanan. Baik preflight, inflight, maupun post flight services terhadap para penumpang dengan cara percepatan informasi sehingga dapat memudahkan pelayanan terhadap calon penumpang dan dapat meminimalkan waktu respon terhadap layanan pelanggan. Teknologi Informasi juga mampu melakukan efisiensi di berbagai bidang antara lain penghematan penggunaan kertas (paperless), tiket (ticketless), namun dapat menjangkau channel distribusi yang lebih luas, misalnya penggunaan teknologi e-commerce dan SMS booking atau WAP booking yang termasuk teknologi Mobile.
Peneliti:Asep Pramono
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