Squid is a proxy server software and it has a wide variety of uses, from speeding up a web server by caching repeated requests, to caching web, DNS and to aiding security by filtering traffic. By default Squid is prevented from saving the content of dynamic websites, while Youtube is a dynamic web site and implement specific features which can prevent their video effectively distributed by the cache or proxy server. Youtube is a video sharing site's most popular in the world, users and visitors can easily access various of video with video streaming methods. Please note that the bandwidth is used when doing streaming video pretty much consuming resources. So as one way of overcoming this problem is to cache the video content using a proxy server. If Youtube systems that make it difficult to implement a proxy server to cache their content so it requires more customization on Squid. In these thesis, the author tries to analyze those issues and the results can be applied in order to utilize a proxy server in order to have additional features that are useful and work effectively with a purpose to a more efficient use of bandwidth in a network especially if the users are often accessing video content from Youtube.
Keywords: youtube, caching, proxy server, squid
Squid adalah salah satu aplikasi proxy server open source yang paling banyak digunakan saat ini untuk menghemat penggunaan bandwidth dan meningkatkan keamanan jaringan. Cara kerja proxy server yaitu menyimpan permintaan yang dilakukan sekali atau berulang-ulang, sehingga ketika terjadi permintaan yang sama permintaan tersebut akan dilayani secara lokal oleh proxy server. Dengan cara ini maka penggunaan bandwidth menjadi lebih efisien, karena permintaan yang sama akan dilayani secara lokal oleh proxy server dan tidak lagi diambil dari web server sebenarnya. Pengguna pun akan merasakan akses yang lebih cepat karena memperoleh data secara lokal.
Peneliti: Yudha Pratama
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