Information constitutes an important component in their daily lives. Submission of information would be better if supported with technology as one of today's popular media. So that the forwarding of information that previously was still using conventional way would be better and not be in vain in the process of delivery.Wara Kom is one company that engages in sales who want to use information technology as a medium of delivery to customers who want to know more clearly about Wara Kom so it can make it easier for customers wanting to know information from this company Wara Kom is one company that engages in sales who want to use information technology as a medium of delivery to customers who want to know more clearly about Wara Kom so it can make it easier for customers wanting to know information from this company Making this company profile is also aimed to promote the existence of Wara Kom to the general public so as to attract more customers to join and to cooperate with this company, and increase competitiveness with other companies in Yogyakarta. To the problems listed above then in the lift with a thesis entitled "Analysis and Design of Multimedia Applications For Media Information In Yogyakarta Wara.Kom
Keyword : information system, application design
Salah satu teknologi yang berkembang saat ini adalah teknologi informasi. Teknologi informasi telah terbukti merupakan sarana informasi yang dapat mendorong dan meningkatkan kinerja diberbagai sektor. Dewasa ini kebutuhan masyarakat akan informasi semakin meningkat, hal ini mendorong berbagai perusahaan berupaya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut.
Peneliti: Marsianus Alfonsus Nuwa
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