ABSTRAK - The use of information Technology (TI) tool in an institution has many impacts, either positive or negative. Tanjungpura university (UNTAN), especially engineering faculty mostly use tecnology tool in operational activity. The use of information technology tool is inseparable from problems which cause disturbance that impact on the user of service and its institution itself. Accordingly, service desk application is established as a service centre to fulfill reeds of communication either the user or TI service staff, other than that this application ia able to send complaint to referred unit and is able to produce handling schedule based on priority. A framework of job is needed in order to make TI service run well which can control entirely as well as give the best practice guidance in managing TI service by using ITIL v2 syb domain managemen insiden framework. The result of design and examiration shows that service desk is sufficient to help in managing TI service.
Keywords : ITIL v2, managemen insiden, service desk.
Pendahuluan - Universitas Tanjungpura (UNTAN) khususnya Fakultas Teknik banyak menggunakan perangkat Teknologi Informasi (TI) dalam kegiatan operasional. Penerapan TI tidak terlepas dari permasalahan-permasalahan yang timbul seperti adanya gangguan/kerusakan layanan TI sehingga mengakibatkan terganggunya layanan yang berdampak pada pengguna dan departemen itu sendiri. Pemeliharaan dan penanganan permasalahan mengenai TI merupakan tanggung jawab dari bagian umum dan perlengkapan. Dalam menjalankan tugas staf kesulitan dalam hal penugasan, penentuan prioritas dari setiap permasalahan, informasi mengenai perangkat TI serta informasi kerusakan yang terjadi.
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