CV. Riztech is a company engaged in the sale of apparel products that have not implemented electronic commers to market products that exist in the distribution of clothing. So as to support product sales and balancing competitiveness among similar companies. Business processes are carried CV.Riztech at this point with the type of ecommerce business to customer (B2C). The process of selling products made by small amounts, the products are sold only be booked for mid-scale, and usually the customer who ordered the product. This study focuses on supporting the company's sales by marketing the product as a built-E-Commerce online have the feature that: Administrative Tools (Backend Office), shoping Features (Frontend), Security, and Communication..
Keyword : E-Commerce, B2C, Secure Socket Layer (SSL),CV.Riztech.
Meningkatnya penggunaan internet oleh masyarakat yang ditandai dengan melonjaknya costumer maupun pebisnis, mendorong munculnya suatu tuntutan pelayanan internet melebihi dari apa yang bisa diperoleh di dunia nyata. Ini meliputi kesempatan untuk menjual barang-barang atau pun produk-produk secara online.
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