ABSTRAK - Dinas Kesehatan(Dinkes) Kota Surabaya is the Surabaya Government institution who has responsibilty in medical of Surabaya people. Dinkes Kota Surabaya has a section in controling and eradicating of communicable desease where its role is preventing and overcoming city from contagius deseases. And the one of them is tuberculosis. Tuberculosis is a communicable desease was caused by microbacterium tuberculosa where it was more infected the lungs than any organs of the body. On the progress of controling tuberculosis, dinkes kota Surabaya had the problem in monitoring and evaluation proses where it was caused by presentation form today still unrealtime then it takes a lot of time to find out the changing. Based on the problem was said, it was known that dinkes kota Surabaya need information system which can be monitoring and evaluating realtime. And based on the test result and evaluation, information system that was created can be monitoring and evaluating realtime, then dinkes kota Surabaya can take the reaction quickly if it got puskesmas in minimum line indikator.
Keywords: monitoring, evaluation, tuberculosis, indikator
PENDAHULUAN - Dinas Kesehatan (dinkes) Kota Surabaya adalah instansi pemerintah kota Surabaya yang bertanggung jawab terhadap kesehatan warga kota Surabaya. Di Dinkes kota Surabaya terdapat seksi bagian pengendalian dan pemberantasan penyakit menular. Adapun tugas dari seksi tersebut adalah mengendalikan dan memberantas penyakit menular yang ada di kota Surabaya dan salah satunya adalah penyakit tuberkulosis. Menurut (Widoyono,2008) penyakit tuberkulosis adalah suatu penyakit menular langsung yang disebabkan oleh bakteri Microbacterium tuberkulosa yang lebih menginfeksi organ paru-paru dibandingkan organ tubuh lainnya. Proses pengobatannya pun membutuhkan waktu enam bulan penuh untuk mengikuti proses meminum obat. Dan juga dampak yang ditimbulkan bisa sampai menyebabkan kematian jika proses pengobatan tidak dilakukan secara teratur.
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