ABSTRAK - STIKES Foundation Hospital Dr. Soetomo is a private university located in the health field Jl. Karangmenjangan No. 12 Surabaya. One of the problems that occur is a matter of learning. Currently the process of discussion in classes that occur only produce 20% -25% of the students are active. Lecturer in spreading the teaching materials is still running in the relay, so that there is no documentation. Measurement of inactivity professors based solely on the presence that the results of performance assessment is not carried out as expected. Some of the above problems can be solved by an application of web-based learning has the function of (1) a forum for communication between students and professors, (2) the results of the evaluation of the learning process to determine the student's understanding, (3) storage of material from the lecturer as documentation of the process of dissemination of the material teaching, (4) faculty activity reports, and (5) report the value of the student. Applications are made to handle problems that occur according to user needs. Based on the trials conducted have been run in accordance with the application purpose of making the application.
Keywords: Learning Application, E-Learning, and Application
PENDAHULUAN - STIKES Yayasan Rumah Sakit Dr. Soetomo Surabaya adalah perguruan tinggi swasta bidang kesehatan yang berada dibawah naungan yayasan Dr. Soetomo yang terletak di Jl. Karangmenjangan No. 12 Surabaya. Salah satu misi dari STIKES adalah mendorong pelaksanaan proses belajar mengajar dimasing-masing program studi agar dapat meningkatkan kemandirian dan profesionalisme lulusan. Peningkatan tersebut dapat dicapai dengan melakukan proses belajar mandiri di luar kelas perkuliahan formal. Proses belajar mandiri diluar perkuliahan formal dapat dilakukan dengan berbagai cara antara lain mempelajari materi-materi yang diberikan dosen, mencari materi dari sumber-sumber lain, dan dapat juga dengan cara berdiskusi dengan mahasiswa atau dosen.
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